$111.00 CAD

Due to the nature of the content delivered, we do not offer refunds. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. xo

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The Level Up Content Club | Sunset Sale

'Done for you' Content for your NWM'ing Business.



This is for you if:

  • You desire to build an online business, but find Canva to be a lot of work or utterly confusing
  • You don't always have enough time to create fun events, but want to run them for your customers
  • You struggle to come up with ideas for daily content and don't always feel creative
  • You want to wake up every morning, feeling excited about what you have already scheduled to post online


What you'll get:

  • Level Up Planner/Templates
  • Monthly Burst Event
  • Monthly Engagement Posts
  • Content Prompts
  • Opportunity Events
  • 3 months worth of Instagram Reels
  • Brand New: Canva Tutorials
  • And so much more!


An incredible resource for content that you can use to build your NWM'ing business.


*this is a sunset sale, meaning - it will never be sold again. And there are only 20 spots open.